Port dredging with sand bypass technique

South Africa

Port dredging with sand bypass technique

Harbor dredging is necessary whenever the sediments, – due to  the tides or to the effects of imposing meteorological events – tend to accumulate in order to hinder the access of the boats. A mighty HY300 is the protagonist of a very particular dredging in South Africa.


The Southern Oceaneering company, after winning an important contract, asked Dragflow for a pump for the maintenance and dredging of the port of Ngqura. A recent port, built on the east coast of South Africa, destined to become an important infrastructure for the industrial area of Coega.


A fixed sand bypass has been provided in this port: it is a solution to prevent sand from accumulating following the natural process of the ocean in this coastal area where currents are very important. The sand is captured with the Dragflow pump in the western area of the coast and pumped to the opposite side of the port. This allows constant maintenance of the port and its full functionality.

Dragflow supplied a hydraulic pump HY300, with a capacity of up to 900 m³/h and a head of up to 34 m. The purchase of this pump also had resonance in the local press where Dragflow has been described as a company “known worldwide for its ability to manage abrasive and corrosive sludge”.


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