Sediment removal from a water treatment plant


Sediment removal from a water treatment plant

The Torrelaguna water treatment station (Madrid) faced a rather complex problem.


The repair of the swimming pools where the siliceous sands used to filter the water had become necessary. These deposits had already filled 25 tanks and it seemed that the only solution was to manually evacuate them. A long, expensive and boring job.


After analyzing the problem, Cramix, Dragflow’s exclusive representative in Spain, together with Dragflow’s support, proposed to install a submersible dredging pump that is ideal for fluids with great concentration of solids.

The selected pump was a EL7.5 SS which is able to pump mixture densities up to 1800kg/m³. The pump comes complete with a double mechanical seal arrangement and a top discharge that allow the pump to work in very shallow areas, using the pumped fluid to cool the electric motor. One month after the supply of the pump, the customer is very satisfied, as they can pump out the silica sands in half the time, reducing costs compared to the previous strategy of manual extraction.


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