Extraction of sand from a riverbed


Extraction of sand from a riverbed

One of the largest sand quarries in Cameroon now relies only on Dragflow pumps to extract river sand, proving that our equipment can be highly reliable for even the most challenging applications. The Moungo River in Cameroon has always been known to have the best quality sand for construction around Douala. The 150 kilometers long river rises on the Rumpi hills. It receives the waters of the Mount Kupe and Bakossi tributary rivers.


Moungo sand has always been known for its high quality for construction purposes. Now, Dragflow pumps extract it directly from the riverbed. One major issue is the high concentration of quartz (mainly due to nearby volcanic activity), which can be highly abrasive to metal components.


The extraction of river sand takes place thanks to two EL604 pumps which produce an average of 100 trucks of sand per day. The pumps work to depths of up to 15m (depending on the season) and have started to provide a continuous supply of sand to the different construction projects in Douala.


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